Sunday, May 8, 2011

Love,Sex & Yoga

As the 3 most popular and trendiest keywords became headlines, one cant help but wonder how apt the song of savage garden is for the moment, as they sing...
 "..... Animals and children tell the truth, they never lie
 Which one is more human
 There's a thought, now you decide............."

For those of u who didn't browse the headlines, the story is about "a cold-blooded crime that’s sending shivers across the city: a yoga instructor kills his foreign lover and freezes her body, tries to dismember and dispose of it" -Times News Network.
In todays world where we are becoming smarter and faster in all walks of life, where life is about giving yourself more time,when fashion and diet trends are returning to the earlier century styles! ....wonder whether our emotional intelligence is also returning to the cannibalistic ways of our hunter ancestors!!!


  1. hey..that was a awesome thought, loved it.. specially the last lines... keep scribing... n do keep in touch with your words...

  2. In fact, we are turning down our standards. The idiocracy rates are turning high and the intellectuals are going down. Nice blog! Do keep writing!

  3. Talk about Yoga as a getaway...


I would Love to know what you felt about my writing... Plsssssss leave a comment .... :)

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