Tuesday, December 16, 2014

When in search of Greener grass.....!!!

It's always sunnier on the other side of the lake.... Brighter, better and breathtaking....
But what we always forget is that even the sun has clouds to hide behind!!!!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

When In Enemy land!!

It's only when we find enemies.... That we recognize our well wishers!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

... Live for Today !!!

"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We only have today. Let us begin." - Mother Teresa

Everything u Do and Say is completely Your sole responsibility.

To be angry, sad, disappointed or happy .... is Your Choice.

Whatever the occasion be..... your mind is so superior that it has the ability to stay depressed even in the happiest moment, or stay happy in the most depressing conditions.

Live! Love!  & Stay Happy!! .... 'cos Today is not returning Ever!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Love Being a Cancerian :)

Materialistic people in a Materialistic World!!!

Gone are the days when friendship was based on common interests and mutual liking.
Gone are the days when making strangers into friends was not considered a heinous act!

Now are the days when a person approaches you with a smile , we need to wonder whats hidden behind those innocent looking eyes.
Now are the days when people get acquainted to you Only if there's a 'gain\profit' in the equation.
Now are the days when if you want to gain some social attention, instead of making yourself friendly, you should make yourself vulnerable.

Friends were,the Gods. People who'll be there no matter what !! More reliable and more approachable than any family.
Friends were the answer to every problem, the escape from every misery

But now, any moment a friend can turn into a stranger.. a stranger who is capable enough to rip you apart. a stranger strong enough to use your weaknesses against you, who conveniently ignores the fact that he\she can actually be of help.

The likelihood of such materialistic opportunists have increased so much that even a n actual genuine act is looked at through suspicious magnifying glasses. A behavior that would send any genuine person off the hook.

Amid all this madness my heart still hopes with crossed fingers that relationships can also be genuine, that there will remain some people who loves you for what you are and not for what they can get out of you! ......

Monday, September 1, 2014

In the name of a withered flower that forgot to bloom!

1 Sep 2014 

Recently my friends circle was deeply saddened and probably troubled for all their days to come, by the news of the sad demise of our friend. It was a tragic story, details of which i do not wanna reveal.

The cause of this incident was what disturbed each one of us and left us feeling completely helpless. The realization that something could have done to prevent this tragedy, would eat each one of us for our entire lives.

She was well educated ,a quality, people say is enough to make a lady strong enough for the world outside. In our country when we strive to make the literacy rate higher and continue to stress the importance of girls' education, one thing we always conveniently ignore is the emotional quotient.
We are all educated people. But education doesn't make us emotionally brave. We are bound by invisible chains of culture, family and society. We know the rights from the wrong... But even when we are wronged we hesitate to react.. In the name of our parents happiness... In the name of goodwill of the family... and what not!

You say you are gonna silently suffer in the name of your kids, have you ever thought what message that gives to your baby who's learning from you? Would you want her to keep quiet and hide it all from you when she gets into a problem? 

You say you are not gonna hurt your parents who so lovingly provided everything you have now.  So you stick on that smiling face and hide everything from them,And what do u achieve at the end of the day ?
They are happy thinking that you are happy... but only until the day comes when the world shatters in front of them and reveals the dreaded truth which would have already engulfed us in it, with no point of return. What do you gift your loved ones then? unending sorrow, which could have been avoided only if you had said a word at the right time, before it was too late !

Every now and then when something sad happens in our world, we talk about it, provide solutions that could have been adopted to avoid it, and then ? ... we just move on ! Memory fades, but the hurt of losing someone dear would never fade. And that is why i didn't want to allow our friend's loss to go in vain!

She might be gone, but her smiling face would never leave our souls. When the darkness of this tragedy fills our heart, her smile would remain like a light at the end of the tunnel. A light that will remind us day in and day out of what she went through. Lets not allow her light to fade.. Lets not allow this to repeat anymore.....

We always seem to have an inbuilt course of guilt which rises its head up every now and them and restrict us from having what we rightfully deserve.

Remember friends, you are not alone . It just takes a small word,and you would know there r many around you who are facing the same distress as you. So forget the shame and speak out, pour out your sorrow. Don't keep it within you and let it swallow you into its dark depths.

In the name of our friend..... !! Let's not let her life go in vain!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

In the Name of a Photograph....

Light from the streets played hide and seek with the curtains as she lay resting her head on the soft pillows. It had been a long day and all that she wanted was to get to bed and drift off to sleep, hoping that when she woke up the next day all would be back to normal and this day would’ve been just a dream!

But as she closed her eyes trying to shut off the waves of thoughts flowing through her over strained mind, once again flashes of the day’s events appeared before her… it had been the day she had dreaded for quite a while, a day she prayed would never come, the day she will never forget in her life!

The voice had asked.... "where are you?" She couldn’t recognize who it was on the other end of the phone. Maybe because her mind was elsewhere and she was busy trying to hide the tears rolling down her face as she walked swiftly towards the gate, or maybe because the other person's voice was distorted as he tried to control the urge to cry out loud!

She asked.. "who is this?", when he said his name, inspite of the tears, a smile spread across her face. He went on “we didnt take a photo together....” her instant reaction was to deny that fact, how can she miss such a thing. Then she remembered, how busy both of them had been, he had to finish all formalities, and she was busy scheduling get togethers with their different groups of friends and getting gifts for him. One moment she didnt know what to say, and heard him say that he is coming to the gate. "stay there!" he had said. But she had to go back, she knew she can't leave like that, with tears and sadness. She turned around and found her way through the crowd rushing towards her ...and managed to tell him "i am coming".....

She will never forget that moment, a simple phone call and simple sentence had made her day. When everyone around them were busy making speeches of how they gonna miss him , this simple sentence had said it all between them!

It hadn’t been smooth and she knew it was all her fault! Her unending urge to make new friends had left him sad and alone. But he held it back until one moment, when it all just had to burst out! She was thankful that he said it atleast then, else she would have never realized the worth of the time she was wasting without being with him!

Something simple, yet more special than anything else!! Unexplainable and undefined their friendship would live on forever… no matter how far life is gonna take them. Even after years it’s gonna bring a smiling tear to their hearts… the moment that held it all, in the name of a photograph!!!!
Till the page turns.... 

Pandemic resolutions

21 Dec 2020 21:26 pm  Days have been different for a while now. And although this pandemic times drove us to the verge of insanity, it also ...