Thursday, October 20, 2011

.... and then we Grew Up!

  "Give me SomE SuNShiNe
GiVe me SoMe rAin
GivE me AnotHer chAnce to gRow up onCe agAiN"
...... Lines from a box office hit!....

... other than making its way into my "favs" list, these lines also became successful in making me wish ....

.... wish for another chance to grow up...
.... another chance to be that innocent life with no worries to scare away my sleep....
.... another chance to keep smiling and not be mistook as having 'wrong intentions'
.... another chance to dance in the rain and not be considered Crazy!
.... another chance to laugh and cry whenever i feel like, and not to 'control emotions' does that sound as if there are more privileges wen being a kid, than a grownup! If you had a chance to grow up again... what would u wanna do friends? 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Slow Down.....:)

Last sunday i heard the following story ....

A scientist was performing an experiment on the verbal reactions of fleas. He had trained a flea to jump on command. The scientist would command the flea, "Jump flea!" and the flea would jump. Then the scientist would proceed to pull off one of the fleas legs with a pair of tweezers and write a comment in his notebook. The scientist did this many times until the flea had only 1 leg left. The scientist commanded, "Jump flea!" and the flea made its best effort to jump, which the scientist recorded in his notebook.
After he pulled off its last leg, the scientist again commanded the flea to jump, and after repeating the command many times without the flea responding he jotted down in his notebook, "After the flea loses all of its legs it becomes completely deaf."

.......:) ..... thinking about it, how many of us have been like this scientist so many times in our lives?!!!

When faced with challenging situations,how many times have we reacted impulsively, made conclusions without giving it a second thought! ... .how many have we hurt due to this impulsive behaviour. How many times have we got hurt !!!

Many times at a later point it would have all looked pointless. but it would be too late to do anything to reverse the damage caused..... words being sharper than swords...makes it an unforgettable act, which does not deserve forgiveness! How many people have we lost in this way?

So friends.. before its too late... lets slow down a bit ..... before making conclusions... before letting out those words of anger... before making life hell ..

Take Care! ...

Pandemic resolutions

21 Dec 2020 21:26 pm  Days have been different for a while now. And although this pandemic times drove us to the verge of insanity, it also ...