Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I never knew.... before i became a mum!!!

The BEST forwarded message i ever read .....

Before i was mum i never learnt the words to a lullaby.

I never thought about immunisations.

I had never been sick on,pooped on,drooled on,chewed on, or peed on.

I had complete control of my mind, my thoughts & my life.

I slept all night. I never looked teary eyed & cried.

I never got gloriously happy over a simple little grin.

I never sat up for hours watching somone sleep.

I had never felt my heart break into a million pieces when i couldn't stop the pain.

I never knew something so small could affect my life so much,

Before i was a mum i didn't know the feeling of having a heart out of my body.

.......... Author: A mum in some part of our world, who had the privilege to put it in words :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

One DaY aT a TiMe

Take one day at a time, plan ahead but don't let today's mindset take decisions about tomorrows events... we may end up regretting it!!!! 

A world full of randomness, has maybe made many of us very random. We are not the same everyday, we are not at the same peak points every moment. A week of good mood, is a long lost aspect...........

Day to day happenings affect us, and our thoughts a great deal more than those old computer-less days. Knowingly or unknowingly our thoughts are complex enough, to sometimes unnecessarily complicate simple events!
Wish the world was simpler... wish we were simpler.

Pandemic resolutions

21 Dec 2020 21:26 pm  Days have been different for a while now. And although this pandemic times drove us to the verge of insanity, it also ...