21 Dec 2020
21:26 pm
It gave us a chance to stop and look at ourselves, to reprioritize and realise what's really important, to go back to basics and reconnect with not only our family but also ourselves. Every aspect of every single person's life had to be redefined, whether we did it for the good or for the bad, would ultimately decide our life post covid.
It was challenging at the start, to be forced to redefine our lives!
Some of us had very active social lives, evenings filled with friends at gatherings, weekends pre-planned with trips and shopping, and suddenly we weren't allowed to do any of that, how would we keep our connections while not being able to physically meet anyone!
It was weird, so to say, to be at work while being at home. The very definition of zones had to be revisited. Home was no longer the cosy abode we slept in, on days we wanted to escape the reality outside those four walls. Now we had to bring the world inside, and find ways to tread the thin line of not being a workaholic but at the same time being productive. Well the missing chit chat and coffee breaks did give us more focus, but it also meant that we could be stuck in the continuum. Without segregating our days into various activities, while there was no variation in the place we were in, was proving more challenging than we had expected!
We've decided that
We will find time to volunteer
There is a unmissable feeling of entitlement in the air! Like wearing blinkers, we have been focusing too much on ourselves. We need to zoom out and start looking with our hearts.
We will gift experiences rather than objects
Most of us have heard about climate change discussions, protests and what not. We nod our heads in agreement and go about our daily routines. The routines filled with plastic, polyester and pesticides. We need to look into our own shopping bag and rethink what it's doing to our lovely planet.
We will normalise second hand gifting.
Living in a country like Australia has introduced me to decluttering and essentialism, and opened up arenas to donating to second hand did