
What keeps us young.......?

Amidst the busy schedules of family and work, amidst the worries of getting up early, cooking, school timings, work timings, work schedules and dinner plans! rarely do we get time for 'ourselves'. and because of this same reason, the concept of staying young or loyal to ourselves has become a real big marketing strategy all over the world. "age defying", "stay young", "weight loss" are all words in our day to day life which targets the same thought…..  of making us think about erasing the lines of old age. But friends, what is it that actually keeps us young? Is it the wonder formulas available in colorful packages? or is it the millions of spas and gyms asking us to spend just a few millions to get back that "glow"? What keeps us young... are our Friends ..... we grow, we take up more responsibilities, each of which comes with their own built-in set of worries and heartaches..... amidst all of that when we have

When LisTeniNg does all the TalKinG

When was the last time u fell head over heels for someone and wondered why the other person just didn't see it! When was the last time you and ur soulmate fell silent  after  a long fight wondering why the fight had started ! When was the last time u shouted at ur lil one, not knowing that his little hands were intenting to help u ! When was the last time you stopped and listened? When problems surround you, when life becomes hell in the making! When love is forgotten and ego takes the upper hand....  When friendships are broken beyond repair.. When you are running around looking for a solution... .... stop and listen, maybe your heart is trying to tell you something, and maybe that one thing wills solve everything!

Love,Sex & Yoga

As the 3 most popular and trendiest keywords became headlines , one cant help but wonder how apt the song of sa vage garden is for the moment, as they sing...  "..... Animals and children tell the truth, they never lie  Which one is more human  There's a thought, now you decide............." For those of u who didn't browse the headlines, the story is about " a cold-blooded crime that’s sending shivers across the city: a yoga instructor kills his foreign lover and freezes her body, tries to dismember and dispose of it" -Times News Network. In todays world where we are becoming smarter and faster in all walks of life, where life is about giving yourself more time,when fashion and diet trends are returning to the earlier century styles! ....wonder whether our emotional intelligence is also returning to the cannibalistic ways of our hunter ancestors!!!

Like SaNd in HanD

Relationships........ are like sand held in your hand. Held loosely, with an open hand, the sand remains where it is. The minute you close your hand and squeeze tightly to hold on, the sand trickles through your fingers. You may hold onto some of it, but most will be spilled. Relationships are similar. Held loosely, with respect and freedom for the other person, it is likely to remain intact. But hold too tightly, too possessively, and the relationship slips away and is lost.

I never knew.... before i became a mum!!!

The BEST forwarded message i ever read ..... Before i was mum i never learnt the words to a lullaby. I never thought about immunisations. I had never been sick on,pooped on,drooled on,chewed on, or peed on. I had complete control of my mind, my thoughts & my life. I slept all night. I never looked teary eyed & cried. I never got gloriously happy over a simple little grin. I never sat up for hours watching somone sleep. I had never felt my heart break into a million pieces when i couldn't stop the pain. I never knew something so small could affect my life so much, Before i was a mum i didn't know the feeling of having a heart out of my body. .......... Author: A mum in some part of our world, who had the privilege to put it in words :)

One DaY aT a TiMe

Take one day at a time, plan ahead but don't let today's mindset take decisions about tomorrows events... we may end up regretting it!!!!  A world full of randomness, has maybe made many of us very random. We are not the same everyday, we are not at the same peak points every moment. A week of good mood, is a long lost aspect........... Day to day happenings affect us, and our thoughts a great deal more than those old computer-less days. Knowingly or unknowingly our thoughts are complex enough, to sometimes unnecessarily complicate simple events! Wish the world was simpler... wish we were simpler.

My adVentuRes On roAd ~ 1

A scene from the fields near Mysore, Karnataka.....