
My adVentuRes On roAd ~ 1

A scene from the fields near Mysore, Karnataka.....


…. Lit with golden lights, … It lay there, as if welcoming us to the unknown world beyond our reach. As i tread on that golden path, something in me urged my tired eyes to search for the invisible destination the road lead to, my heartbeat raced as if fearing a dark ending to this enlightened trip. A moment of uncertainty left me wondering how similar life’s paths are, to this trip. Almost always we travel, not knowing where our destination is. Sometimes the journey would be torturous and the destination sweet, and sometimes the other way round , and all well, for the lucky few! However it turns out to be, if a suffering was involved, we get surprised and shocked at first, then we shed some tears and then slowly and steadily our minds get adjusted to the “facts”, and the next time something similarly bad happens to a friend…. we would end up sharing tales of advice! As if to wake me up from my wonderland of thoughts, my golden carriage came to a halt… and then i heard trumpets and

My Hobby :)


Friends or Foes???

Some days u cant help remind urself, how much better it was when we were kids!! Friends were friends and foes were foes, there was always a bold line drawn between the two with thick black ink.... na......thick black crayons!!! :) Feelings were always clear and intentions never misunderstood! And now we have grown up, and we have to wear a smile, while in our minds we might be screaming our heads off, with whatever bits of bad words we know! We need to put our heads to concentrate on multicoloured computer monitors, when we actually want to go out and party!! We have to be friends to our foes, which almost automatically makes our friends behave to us as if we their foes ! Every look, every word, every intention is misunderstood in every possible way! So much to the point that great people started proclaiming that 'the secret of failure, is trying to impress Everybody!' Indeed, if we intent to clear every misunderstanding 'everyone' had got about us... then we woul

Express your Feelings!!!!!

Have u ever had a second thought before u expressed your loveable feelings to someone special. (May it be ur fiance or ur mum.... ! ) In our orthodox indian soceity we have been trained to think twice before expressing our true feelings , and i do agree that we should be careful when we are dealing with strangers or people of the opposite sex with whom we dont intent to develop any special relationship. But when it's that someone special in ur life, should we actually follow rules and egos before we think of expressing our love for him/her? I never felt that way.... and this blog wouldn't have come into being! But then i had this conversation with one of my friends who completely refused the idea, of cooking for his wife once in a while, as totally absurd! He being a good cook and other facts and figures in place, he couldn't agree with me when i said that it was also a way of showing ur appreciation and love for her. I don't understand why anyone would wanna restri

WhAt MaKeS YOU HaPPy ????

Dear al l , Some scenes in life launched a question in my mind.... What makes one happy? Something that makes you happy may not make me happy, right ? .... Guess you will say that it is a matter of common sense. We are all individuals and we have our own special characteristics. which makes us different from our neighbour. How much ever we try, we cannot be the same as somebody else, there is always a factor of individualism in Humans.Thats what makes us different and superior to other beings... .. but then, if we acccept this fact then why do we expect others to like what we like? to accept what we accept as normal. Why do we feel that what makes us happy will make others also happy? ... think about it friends... how many times have you unknowingly forced a friend or colleague to do something or accept something he/she had no desire to face, and ended up in a position when that person has regretted being your acquaintance? Many times we forget that they a


Today morning was listening to my Ipod, and a very familiar song was going on, the next song was something I hadn’t heard before, and it took some time for me to gain interest in listening to it. A thought came to mind then…. When it was the songs I knew already, it was easy to set my mind to its tune ‘cos the mind knows what to expect. But when it’s a new song i took a bit more time to adjust to the tune or actually start listening to it…. I feel that most of the times this is what we do in our relationships too. We all have some assumptions, usually formed with the help of what we see through media and what we read through books. We assume that a particular relationship is supposed to be in a particular way. And when we personally get into such a relationship we start expecting the same as what we saw in the movie or read in a book. This will hide the true individuality of the persons involved and will lead to disappointment. I should learn to keep my mind open. Open to new things, o