
Fights matter!!!

Calm,Composed,Adjustable.... on would go the list of good traits, but unless you are a fighter, no one's gonna give a damn about you!!!

Compare ?

One should not compare One with the Other…. ….b’cos One is One and not Another!.....

The Facebook Phase!!!

Just the other day I caught myself red handed .... thinking in terms of facebook status messages! Although it was funny at start, later I was wondering what's wrong with me. Am I obsessed with the social networking funda ...or is it just a minor symptom to ring the bell and stop me from getting there.?! Whatever it is, I'm sure that lately my fb addiction has increased a tiny winy bit....and now i recognize ...its changing the way i think !!! So what's it that has made face book so famous and what's that one string its originators struck right in the entire human population's minds. ** This social sharing concept has affected us so much these days that the first thought on every photo we click, is whether it'll look good on  face book and how many of our social circles would like/comment on it. Every dress, styles, jobs, and even the Person is evaluated based on the number of likes\comments we receive for it! ** The don't tell mama trick no longer


The listening heart should also have a forgetful mind... else other's concerns will become own heartaches!!!

A Dream........

A dream has come true, as our passions are recreated  a dream that can be made colorful with your support.... please visit us at ... ...hope you like it :D 

The Desire to Inspire ….

What do I write about? This has been the question on my mind for several days now. And even now when the deadlines are at hands reach, I have no idea what to scribble about! There have been so many topics in my mind but none has managed to hold my concentration for long. I wonder why I’m out of topic at this very hour when the need for it is high. Many times in life we are in similar situations when we desire to perform, but we are in lack of inspiration! Inspiration is required not only for a work of art, but in all walks of life, whether it be to do chores at home, or to survive through the heavy traffic everyday, to get to office. Without inspiration life doesn't move on! As a mother, father, brother, friend, or whatever roles u play in your lives.. how do U add inspiration to your loved one’s life? Inspiration is sometimes such a heavy word that we tend to look too far for it, when in reality we could have found it not farther than our door steps!  A simple

When responsibility comes knocking......

It's a common scenario,(i guess especially in India) where parents work hard for their kids, to provide them with the best of everything. We see to it that our kids get an environment of total comfort, so that they can concentrate on their studies and work towards achieving a bright future. In today's all hi-tech world, there are so many channels offering us advice on the best ways of Parenting. From diet charts to academic know-hows, all r there in the wide web. So in this wide world web of parenting do's and dont's i thought i will add one of my thoughts too...... so here goes..... One thing that we almost always miss to teach our kids is how to handle responsibilities.We are too busy in providing and creating a safe platform for their lives, that we forget to show them how to do some thing on their own. It can be anything, from simple things like tying a shoelace, to a bit more complex things like shopping wisely on their own. It might sound silly at first, and